Certified education - 7 days
Lean Green Belt (English)
We will train you in the Lean tools and methods to create measurable results in your organization. See the dates for the upcoming training and register now.
Lean Green Belt 7 Days | 24.900 DKK
Do you want to be a Lean manager and be able to successfully complete Lean projects with measurable results?
Content Become a successful Lean manager
Lean Akademiet's Lean Green Belt training is an internationally recognized and certified training. In this intensive Green Belt training we will give you the necessary skills to manage Lean Pilot projects. We combine Lean and management, and you will work with a case study as well as practical tasks that ensure in depth understanding of the thinking.
Get new tools in your toolbox
On this course, you get an intensive training course where we give you the ability to translate Lean theory into practice. On the first two days of the training, we ensure a basic understanding of the Lean principles and the necessary knowledge of the tools. After this, we focus on you as a project manager, where you are trained in Lean as a method through practical case work on a chosen case-project. You gain knowledge about Change Management and the managerial tools that are essential for the successful implementation of organizational changes.
The course is very practically oriented and we do not just give you concepts – but concrete tools and exercises that you can take home and implement in your own project. You will be working on the case-project during the last five training days, where we have mixed days with both theoretical teaching and practical casework and fun exercises. We of course provide sparring and a helping hand as you work on your project. The training is completed by an examination. The exam is a 30-minute presentation of your case-project. The purpose of the exam is to ascertain the degree to which you have understood Lean management and the application of the most important Lean tools.
Is this education for you?
The Lean Green Belt training is aimed at both managers and employees who want the skills to carry out a Lean implementation, in a defined area, with measurable results.
Prior experience with Lean is not a requirement for this training.
Are you ready to sign up? then do it here...
Content of the education
The Lean Green Belt training is an intensive training course where you get the basic Lean understanding based on the five Lean principles and at the same time you acquire the ability to create measurable results as a Lean project manager through a Lean case-project.
This training package includes both the Lean Yellow Belt and Lean Green Belt modules - 7 days including an examination.
Introduction to Lean
- Familiarity with the history behind Lean, and an understanding of the 5 Lean principles, which are the essential when working with Lean. The Lean principles are thoroughly introduced through exercises and cases.
- Review of the 8 types of waste and the potential to eliminate waste in different work processes.
- Introduction and overview of selected Lean tools and techniques, among others: 5S, VSA, Poka Yoke, Standard Work, Kanban, Kaizen board meeting.
- Focus on the customer and the customer's expectations, as well as target management.
- Challenges in connection with the implementation of Lean, and the importance of being able to visualize and structure the Lean improvement work.
Practical exercises and cases
- Small exercises in relation to the different Lean tools, which will give you an insight to why these tools can be relevant for your work, as well as how they can be introduced in your organization.
- Case work where you learn to work with a Value Stream Mapping (VSM), including mapping the AS-IS, with a focus on the customer (the golden triangle), waste and prioritization of solutions.
- After this you will be working on the TO-BE and including the Lean design principles.
- Interactive whiteboard meeting, where you will be included.
Upon completion of the training, you will receive a training certificate as proof of your participation.
Lean Introduction to Lean Pilot
- Introduction to working with a Lean as a Pilot Project. Including the selection and delimitation of projects in your organization. You are introduced to communication tools (PER), which give attention to the project, and work with the Burning Platform and Vision.
- Goal management – the understanding of how you set SMART goals and why it is important for your Lean work that the goals are 'smart'.
- Introduction to Stakeholder Analysis and the understanding of how important it is to know the people who is involved and how you communicate and handle their role in the project.
- Basic understanding of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as a method and how you are to use it for your own project work.
- VSM - AS-IS mapping of own processes with a focus on waste hunting, data collection and improvement potential.
- VSM – TO-BE mapping of future processes. The focus is on the selection of relevant Lean tools and the use of the Lean design principles.
- Introduction and understanding of various tools that can be used for Problem Analysis. Including A3 - Problem Analysis, Fishbone analysis, Pareto etc.
- Gap analysis and prioritization of smaller activities and projects, which must lead the Lean project from AS-IS to the TO-BE. Here you will be introduced to – and work with the implementation plan.
- The reinforcement of Lean and focus on Kaizen – Continuous improvements. An in-depth introduction to the board meeting and different types of boards.
- Understanding how important change management is in your Lean work. You will be introduced to different management methods, among others: ADKAR, behavioral profiles, the composition of the 'good team' and situational management.
Project work and exercises
- During the module, you are working with small practical exercises that help make the theories and methods relatable to your own worklife. Including goal management exercises and communication exercises in the form of an elevator speech (PER).
- You will already start working on your own Lean project from the first day of classes. We provide brown paper, post-its etc. for mapping your project, and are ready to guide, coach and help you throughout the course. You must bring the project on all the course days as you will continue working on the project during the course as we bring more tools into play.
- You can expect homework on the project. This may involve, among other things, data collection and/or workshops for your colleagues.
Examination: 30 minute project presentation based on your Lean case project, which you will be working on during the training.
Are you ready to sign up? then do it here...
Practical information We are doing everything to ensure that you'll get a good experience
A perfect course is not only a result of good teaching. The physical environment surrounding that course should give you, as a student, the best conditions for learning new.
Upcoming dates
Lean Green Belt
No upcoming dates
There are no scheduled classes at this time.
You can contact us for more information.
Lean Akademiet
Jægersborg Alle 166
2820 Gentofte
+45 7027 7909
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Lean Library er vores online bibliotek, hvor du kan finde en masse fagligt og spændende indhold inden for både Lean og Six Sigma. Biblioteket rummer både relevante artikler, cases fra virkelighedens organisationer og spændende podcasts. Du finder bl.a. emner som TWI, forandringsledelse, FMEA, Toyota Kata m.m. - eller du kan lytte til vores podcast med Ann Møller Svendsen og Morten Münster som værter. Du kan også finde en oversigt over vores kursusbeskrivelser i biblioteket. Biblioteket har altid åbent - så kig forbi, hvis du trænger til inspiration eller til at lære noget nyt.